Tuesday, May 02, 2006

What's so great about a new car, anyway???

So, someone, somewhere, says that getting a BRAND NEW CAR is supposed to be wonderful. Like Hell!!! It's a friggin nightmare!

After, more or less, getting through all the crap regarding the scratches (don't ask, I do not want to talk about it), I go to leave for work this morning and I can't turn the key. Now, this has happened before but only for a minute and after some fiddling no problem. I figured I'd tell them about it at the first service and get it checked out. Well, this morning, NO GO.

So I call GM Roadside Assistance.
"We'll send a tow truck, m'am".

And I call the dealership.
"We'll arrange a rental, m'am".

And the rental co. calls me.
"We'll pick you up, m'am".

And everyone's asking "did you jiggle the steering wheel?". YES, I jiggled the f'in steering wheel!!!" Jeepers.

Anyway... the tow truck driver arrives, gets in the car and starts it.

I. am. an. ass.

Turns out there's this little pin that comes out when the wheel is locked that doesn't allow the key to turn. So you have to pull on the wheel, hold it like that, and then turn the key... its like one of those sticky doors that you have to pull, push, and turn all at the same time to open.

Needless to say, I am not in a rental, HOWEVER, it will be addressed at my first service, because its RIDICULOUS.

And its only Tuesday... sigh.

On a lighter note - had a great time climbing lastnight. Arranging to go back next week. I'll be in the squash courts in no time!!!


At 11:24 AM, Blogger nancycle said...

LOL! You dork!

At 1:22 PM, Blogger Boo said...

hrmpf... we'll see about that nan. I will be peering over your shoulder from now on creating a log of dorky moments perpetrated by YOU... lol

At 1:31 PM, Blogger nancycle said...

Oh Gawd - don't bait me! This is like the Friends episode where Chandler wasn't allowed to make fun of anyone and Ross showed up with those Leather pants....


At 8:09 PM, Blogger Boo said...

LOL! You dork!


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