Friday, May 05, 2006

Today's geology lesson...

Just a short one to start the day.

Did you know???

Chicxulub (chick-sue-lube) Crater is an ancient impact crater buried underneath the Yucatan peninsula, with its center located approximately underneath the town of Chicxulub, Yucatan, Mexico. The meteorite which created it is believed to have struck 65 million years ago, causing the extinction of the dinosaurs. It was approx. 10 km in diameter, releasing the energy equivalent of 190,000 gigatons of TNT. The main evidence of its world-altering impact is a layer of iridium present in the K-T Boundary across the world (the boundary marks the time of the extinction of the dinosaurs). Iridium, while rare on Earth, is very abundant in meteorites. The theory is not universally accepted, but its the best explanation presented so far. The pics on the right were taken from the space shuttle - the crater is pretty obvious...

Neat eh??

This is what happens when I haven't had an interesting evening. Get used to it. You might learn something.


At 10:44 AM, Blogger nancycle said...

I'm a better person just for knowing you.

*sarcasm scan complete and results are clear*

At 11:01 AM, Blogger Boo said...

ditto... Matters of the Heart: Nan. Matters of the Brain: Boo


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