Sunday, May 07, 2006

Sunday, bloody sunday

Sigh. Back to work soon. Sunday's great until about dinner time when you realize you're that close to being back at work. Its not that I don't like my job - its great - its just that there's not enough hours in the day to do all the stuff I want to do. AND get some sleep... and I looooove sleeping.

Having fun with the new digital camera. This is the best one so far...
Are you laughing your ass off?? I did...

She is awesome! Life would suck without this dog.

So I got a hot new leather shifter for my car, and a leather steering wheel cover coming in Wednesday... shifter looks great - we installed it today. Trucker's calling it my car too - I keep wincing every time I say "my car" and not "our car" but he's cool with it because he figures its only a matter of time before we buy "his truck". LOL

Speaking of which, our financial advisor came over Friday night - we chatted while watching the game (my Sens antenna flag is at half mast - the buggers), and came up with a pretty good plan. Yippee!! Trucker can stop worrying now! Of course, now I have more stuff to do with my insufficient hours. Oh well, that's life, isnt it?


At 11:58 PM, Blogger nancycle said...

LOL! This is exactly what I was going to title my entry for today...Sunday Bloody Sunday...

That picture is BLOW UP material Boo. I think I'll make a "family/friend/dog" wall once the painting is finished. Afterall, they are some people's babies. :-)

At 8:05 AM, Blogger Boo said...

She certainly is... and I agree - its poster material!


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