Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Just a short note.

On a certain blog that I was watching (although not so fervently anymore), there was a photo posted of a relief worker with the body of a child. The blogger suggested that it was staged as this worker has appeared in many photos during the conflict. I believe he said "is this the only relief worker in all of Lebanon?" or something like that.

In honour of that let-the-children-perish blog (and he's oh-so disappointed in me), I thought I'd put a few more photos out there, without the worker "in question", demonstrating similar atrocities. How's this?

What?? Me?? Pissed off??? You bet I am.


At 8:30 PM, Blogger billie said...

i'll bet that person didn't stop to think that perhaps the pics came from a single shoot and were spread out over time or perhaps with all of the mayhem- help is a bit short. or perhaps the morgue workers are overworked these days. any number of things. bet you $5.oo that person and the readership didn't stop to look at any of those people- alive or dead- as people.

At 8:53 AM, Blogger Boo said...

I won't be taking that bet honey...

At 9:33 AM, Blogger Boo said...

My "buddy" blogger, who doesn't think I paid attention to his 'facts' simply because I didn't chose his side (apparently, that wasn't an option for me in his mind), is now strongly suggesting that Qana was staged.

Wow... and he thinks I'M gullible... perhaps I'll take the theory that the US blew up the WTC themselves as truth too.

What part of "Centrist" do people not understand? Why do we have to come down strongly on one side or the other? This is NOT a black and white issue. YES - terrorism must be eradicated. But NO - not at ANY cost.

His buddies think academia and Hollywood are being run by communists... and he expects to be taken as credible???

Whatever... we can bash eachother on our blogs 'til the cows come home and it won't make a bit of difference.

I've said enough. I'm done now.

At 9:43 AM, Blogger Boo said...

addendum - Israel has now admitted there were no rockets being launched from the site of the killings in Qana when they bombed it.



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