Monday, July 24, 2006

Is there any good ending possible?

The atrocities continue.

We've lost two more Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan, suicide bombings continue in Iraq, and the US has just sent Israel more missiles.

I've been doing a lot of surfing. There's a blog called "Terrorism News" (there's a link on the right) that I've been watching. Their information, all the places it leads, and all the news services are teaching me that this conflict has little to do with religion as I originally thought. I'm also starting to see the US as terrorists themselves, little better than Hezbollah.

And while I'm on the topic, our government needs to back down on their support of Israel. I believe its being done to please Bush and his gov't, and its a mistake. Canada needs to remain neutral - as the US should. Democratic super-powers should be available to provide aid and mediation/arbitration should they be asked, not storm in, guns a-blazin', to impose their will on other nations.

And I'm still pissed at Canadians who're complaining about the conditions of their evacuation from Lebanon - I still want them sent back, perhaps to the southern part of Lebanon.

I am also very unhappy with the media who are placing all of their efforts on the current conflict and leaving us virtually in the dark about other parts of the world. What about the earthquake and tsunami in Java, the North Koreans, etc., etc.???

And how the hell did Bush manage to find time to veto the use of stem cells for research? He won't allow innocent lives to be taken - Hello, Mr. Bush??? How many missiles did you just send to Israel??


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