Monday, May 29, 2006

I am a blank slate

...with absolutely nothing to say. HA!

Actually, just being lazy I think. Or doing more interesting things. Yup, that's it! Doing more interesting things...

Wow, busy time starting. Rush, rush, rush all week so we can get to the lake on the weekends. Weekend getaways aren't necessarily all they're cracked up to be. Although, I must admit, once I'm there and settled, its wonderful. Makes the weekends seem longer.

It's funny how things come to light. I realize now, doing lots of gardening and cleaning and setting up, that my depression last year started months before I realized anything was wrong. I was just a big fat lump all summer. I didn't garden. I didn't fish. I didn't help clean, or walk the dog, or anything. Trucker thought I was being lazy... I never really thought at all. I lost soooo much time. We're paying more attention now, watching for signs, but so far, not too bad...

Perhaps frequent tattoo therapy will help! June 30 can't come fast enough.

Ditto is coming to the lake this weekend. She graduates on the 13th of June and then heads home to Vancouver about 10 days after. For good. Sheesh. Its really gonna suck when she's gone... I hope I can get out there to see her before we're, like, retirement age.

Alright gotta go... work to do!!!


At 9:15 AM, Blogger nancycle said...

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At 9:18 AM, Blogger nancycle said...

I think seeing me on a daily basis for years of nancycle doses would elevate anyone's mood, therefore naturally, post-absense of nancycle would create a lull of depression-like feelings. It's only natural.

For some, I would say take two nancy's and call me in the morning. Sadly, there is only one nancy and if they took me, then there would be none. When all is said and done it really IS all about you.

~ Love your (ever-so slightly) older sister-like person who misses you and is inviting you to come over Monday night! :-)

At 10:03 AM, Blogger Boo said...

Unfortunately, I seem to never get these invites in time - like the one for a crop at the cottage that I got the weekend after it happened... I really have to be more vigilant with the e-mail.


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