Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Death without a cause...

How long does the killing have to continue in Iraq before someone has the balls to admit they f—ked up. In 2003, the Saudi Foreign Minister warned the US that attempting a regime change in Iraq without the backing of the UN would be considered an act of aggression. They went ahead and did it anyway. And where has it got them? Over 600,000 dead. How many western troops have been killed? How many families in the US have lost loved ones because Bush wants to save face. Perhaps if he’d stayed out of Iraq, and concentrated on rooting out the Taliban and al Quida in Afghanistan, the real terrorists, that mission would be complete. Its not the business of the US to decide how other countries should be run, no matter how brutal the regime. There wouldn’t be Iraqi suicide bombers in markets, killing women and children, if there were no occupation. And there wouldn’t be any Iraqi suicide bombers in the US either. It makes you wonder who blew up the mosque that got all the Shi’ite/Sunni crap started.

Outrage over cartoons and speeches is in direct proportion to the outrage over the United States’ hands in others’ cookie jars. The type of Muslim hatred of all things Western was minimal compared to what Bush and his bi—ches have drummed up in the last three years.

The fact that there are still those who support him is mind-boggling. They claim that if the west doesn’t do these things that the Muslims will just kill us indiscriminately and in droves. Bulls—t. I’m so tired of that argument. The only reason Muslims, and a fraction of them at most, are committing terrorist attacks is the hundreds of thousands of their own people that the US, and to a lesser extent the British, have massacred. All in the name of finding something that was never there to begin with. I’m seeing comments now by Vietnam vets that the US is doing it all over again – they have to get their big fat noses out of everyone else’s business. Postponing a pull-out and admission of mistakes made only increases the number of troops and families who will be outraged at what they made sacrifices for. It certainly doesn’t send the message that the troops aren’t supported. I’m guessing more and more of them are asking themselves “what the f—k are we doing here?” And the rest, running on blind faith, are going to be damaged for life, if they survive, when they realize their collective mistake.

I don’t give a rat’s ass if the Righties are afraid of what the Dems might do to the American economy, or unemployment. The Dems are the only ones that are going to prevent this world from going up in a bunch of mushroom clouds. How many people, influential people, leaders, the UN for pete’s sake, have to tell them to get out before they listen?

And what the f—k are “Faith Based Initiatives”??? Bush is terribly concerned about liberating the religiously oppressed, as long as they’re from another religion. On the rest of the country, he’ll happily and hypocritically impose his own beliefs. There’s a “separation of church and state” for a reason. I don’t care if he thinks a fertilized egg is a person, it does not give him the right to consider those beliefs in creating legislation. I guess in his evangelical wisdom, the Iraqis don’t have souls, and sooner or later, they’ll all wind up in Hell.

I think he’s already put them there.


At 4:30 PM, Blogger Charles said...

It is apparent that you disagree with the War in Iraq, but what about the War on Terror? Do terrorists piss you off as much as they do me? Send them a message (notetoterrorists.blogspot.com). Let them know that we will not tolerate their ways!!!

Nice blog.

At 4:39 PM, Blogger billie said...

the right only caters to their base. that is why america is in the worst shape of its short history. they completely disregard at least half of the population of america and compromise is not in their vocabulary.

At 7:18 PM, Blogger roman said...

I would also like it if we could just leave as quickly as possible.
But can we?
It seems that every Islamofascist terrorist from every corner of the ME is descending on Iraq. They want to make sure that the democratic process is stopped in its tracks and they don't care how many innocent Iraqis they have to sacrifice. The common perception sold by the MSM is to blame the coalition forces for the constant sectarian killings. This battle is not one between Muslims and the west. It is between a conglomoration of extremist fundamentalist Muslim groups opposed to basic human rights and free democratic rule by law and order and those like us who are striving for it.
When the abandoned South Vietnamese government finally fell to the Communist north in the early 70's, there was a bloodbath of political and cultural purges which claimed the lives of millions. We never hear about this ugly historical fact.
Yes, we need to leave but we do have some obligation to safeguard the Iraqi people at least until they have some kind of rudimentary functioning government which can secure a semblance of law and order.

At 10:40 AM, Blogger Boo said...

thank you voice - and I do agree that terror needs to be stopped - that's why I said that more focus should be put on Afghanistan.

Roman - is it for the US to decide what kind of government other countries should have?

And you speak of purges in Vietnam after the pull-out, what about the millions in Indonesia that were massacred because the US stepped in and rattled the 'down with the reds flag'. I intend to read more of what was happening in Vietnam before the US stepped in militarily.

The more history I delve in to, the more I see that many of these conflicts are near-directly related to/caused by US interference in the first place. They need to get their operatives out of other nations and quit trying to make everyone conform to thier wishes/ideas.

At 11:14 AM, Blogger SadButTrue said...

Bush has destroyed the separation of church and state while replacing it with a separation of policy from reality.


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