Sunday, August 20, 2006

"Day of rest" my a--!!

Not with laundry, dusting, dishes... etc.

Oh well, I figure if the weather's shitty, I'm not missing much. We came home early from the trailer since it was raining and there was stuff to do here. Here's my little getaway... we had a proper awning but it was old and tore in a big storm. Rather than spend over $1000 to replace it (since the trailer's not worth much more than that) we elected to go the $50 gazebo route. Sucker's been up over a month and through some nasty weather and it's still standing. (They doubted me... but I tied it to the trailer, screwed it to the deck, and the front posts are attached to cement deck supports - so where the hell is it gonna go???)

My tree feud is still on-going. After telling me he never had any intention of cutting trees, my neighbour cut the top 4-5' off of two at the shoreline so he can see the water from the trailer. First of all, you don't just hack the top off when you want to trim a tree. Second, there's legislation regarding shoreline alteration - if those trees die, their roots can't hold that part of the shoreline together - it'll drop into the lake. Third, the FU---R lied to me!! I think that's what gets me the most. At any rate, I spoke to the park committee, and the people involved in this tree massacre (it's not the first) are going to be told, in person and in writing, to quit screwing with the trees. Finally some action. I believe they also plan to reiterate the leash rule to our other neighbour that lets his dog run all over the place. I wouldn't mind, except she's scared the crap out of a few people, and when he lets her out late at night we're woken, not only by his very loud "whisper" of "Ebony! Ebony!! Get in here!!" , but also his million candlepower spotlight he shines all over the place, into our windows, to try and find her. A leash would fix that nicely.

So, I could go on and on about these guys... suffice it to say, they're ruining the place for me.

On a more positive note, I finally got a photo of the tattoo I designed, on my buddy's chest.

Was interesting when I showed it to hubby...

Hubby: "He took his shirt off to show you?!?!?"
Me: "He e-mailed me this one - well - yes, he did when he first got it"
Hubby: "--"
Me: "What's the big deal? It's not like I haven't seen a man's chest before."
Hubby: "Well....not like that, at work and everything."
Me: "Oh fer pete's sake...!!!"

I think it might be because my buddy's 6'7" and big... it'd make any guy worry... I just find it funny, since I know what my friend is like (a pussycat and very honest), but hubby doesn't know him...

Doesn't seem to want to upload though. Hmmm.... I'll try it from work tomorrow. I guess you'll just have to trust me that it looks good. :D I'm set to go under the needle Friday - hopefully we'll have enough time to finish my leg. Stay tuned.

Well, I've had enough of this idiot box - I think I'll go watch the other idiot box. :)~ Gotta get caught up on the news.

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
-Albert Einstein


At 10:17 AM, Blogger nancycle said...

You came home early and you don't call me back?!

At 9:30 PM, Blogger billie said...

good to get a few days away- too bad they never seem to be restful. i had a weekend full of teenage girls who will talk the tar off of a road- and you have the neighbors from hell. makes for good blog posting though doesn't it? :) hopefully the pics will download- i like looking at your art.

At 9:14 AM, Blogger Boo said...

thanks bet! I'll get it up there sooner or later... and I'll hopefully have some new artwork to post soon as well.

BTW, hubby is through Binghamton pretty much every week for work... we're practically neighbours!

At 4:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your solution! Now you just need to build out to the side and really piss those neighbours off. *g* Sorry to hear they are still being such asshats.

Turns out this week isn't going to be a good one for visits, I keep getting myself knocked out with joy juice, and they won't let me drive.

At 10:01 AM, Blogger billie said...

you'll have to ask him if he was terribly impressed :) not much to look at- but it's familiar. my real dream would be to live in maine. we almost did- but hubby's promotion fell through. don't get me started!

At 10:04 AM, Blogger Boo said...

bummer!! he actually starts his run there (in Maine), kind of... I've been thru there too (I used to be a trucker with him!) - Maine is gorgoeus!!


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