Thursday, August 17, 2006


I've lost my anonymity.

Actually, I'm not sure I was looking for it in the first place, but a few times I've had thoughts and realized I can't write about them 'cause there are people who know me personally that visit. Not that I'm against visitors, it's simply that I need to censor myself now.

Perhaps I need another blog. Then I could let out all my thoughts and fears and dreams and anyone happening by would be a stranger. Something to think about. Couldn't post the tatt pics though, they fall under the "distinguishing marks" category. Oh the fun you can have with a digital camera. With a digital camera with a timer. :D

I heard on the radio yesterday that some German researchers looked for a relationship between a woman's haircolour and her sex life. (I'm thinking, who the f--k paid for this anyway?? But it would simply be someone picking 2 questions that happen to be on the same survey and running with it. Still... (G. - I bet you love that one - I know how you feel about frivolous research spending)). Anyway, turns out redheads have the most active sex lives. Ahem. I happen to be a redhead. Problem is, hubby's on the road all damn week. Kinda makes it hard to live up to expectations. They said that husbands better pay attention if their wives suddenly dye their hair red. Sheesh. It was an amusing tidbit. Almost bought a t-shirt the other day that said "blondes have more fun, but brunettes can read". Unfortunately, I'm more red than brown, so I passed.

A friend from school has completed his PhD. He'll be doing his defense later this month. I'm soooo impressed. It's in geophysics - math, geology, and physics all rolled into one... its probably 100 pages of equations. I mean I'm good at math, and I've done physics, and even geophysics, but not like that. At any rate, he's heading off to Barcelona to work in September. For a few years at least. He's from Buenos Aires, so I'm not sure that he'll ever be back to Canada. And the odds of my visiting Barcelona are probably about the same as my winning the lottery. Another one bites the dust. (I'll miss his accent - it makes my knees weak.)

I'm not particularly full of wisdom today (full of something else maybe). I think I'm distracted by my artwork. It's taking up all my free time... Away this weekend too. Although that's feeling like more work than fun. Whatever.

Here's a thought...

~ Stupid Should Hurt ~


At 9:56 AM, Blogger billie said...

boo- have a journal for all of your private thoughts. they are worth having and writing- but not for public consumption. if you put it online there will always be someone who will have access to it- it is public domain. or- just phrase stuff so that the folks that you talk about think you are talking about someone else :) oh- and i think sex has less to do with hair color and more to do with the length of time married. :)

At 10:03 AM, Blogger Boo said...

Journals can be FOUND!! lol

I'm looking for VERY anonymous! :D

I'm not so sure anymore about the married thing. My first marriage, absolutely, but my second is way more fun. I think his travel maybe helps keep things "fresh"...
Of course, that doesn't mean I don't ever think about the 'flavours' I'm not tasting, but hey, I'm not dead right?


At 12:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the reasons I like the journal I'm on is I can chose who sees what. Some time I post for only people I want to see them, and sometimes they are locked so only I can. I know my journal certainly isn't anonymous, and I do have to be careful because people I work with read it, but I still appreciate being able to express.

Some people have more than one identity and publish different stuff in different blogs. That is just way too much work for lazy ole me!

Oh - as for haircolour, as long as I don't dye it black I'll be gettin some! *g*

At 7:47 PM, Blogger nancycle said...

Boo. You sexy thing!

That tattoo shot is BEAUTIFUL! Like you.

Yeah but where's the pixie cut?


At 3:47 PM, Blogger Boo said...

I have a strict policy regarding skin shots - NO FACES!!! You just never know where they're gonna wind up...



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