Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Who says??

What makes a good blog? Is it how much I rant? Is it how smart I am or how "today" my topics are??? Does it matter?

Who am I doing this for anyway?


I'm ticked off at a--holes who don't understand that you're supposed to speed up in a merge lane.
I'm ticked off at a--holes who dont seem to realize the speed limit on Hunt Club at River is 80, not 60.
I want to know why I feel like I look 83 instead of 36. Is it because I have to stop and think about whether something is too "young" for me to wear?
I want a big backyard and a doggie door for Bailey.
I'm ticked off because people still throw out their cans, glass, plastic, paper...
I'm frustrated that I have so few chances to spend time with Neeroc.
I'm mad because my hubby is away, all week, every week and he can't find a regular job.
I want to scream at people who eat and talk on their phones while driving.
It rubs me the wrong way that the union that represents my classification is negotiating for 2005 and 2006. Now. Not two years ago.
I want more hours in a day and less to do in them.
I've waited over 7 months to be able to apply for the job I'm doing, and I may not get it.
I'm mad at myself because I didn't have the horses to walk the dog tonight.
I'm angry that a colleague has moved on when I've just started to get to know her.

And I'm mostly angry that I'm angry about all this stupid s--t when I should be oh-so-grateful just to live in this country, and be relatively healthy.



At 8:58 PM, Blogger billie said...

good blogs are the ones who write for themselves and don't care if they have an audience or not- that means that they are real. it's ok to rant about regular everyday stuff because even when there is so much crap in the world- you are still living your daily life. yes, it is important to remember that you are lucky to live where you are and be who you are. it is also ok not to feel guilty about it. it was the luck of the draw- and you won. you are in a position to help out the folks who aren't as lucky by doing what you can to make a difference. it's what makes us human. rant on!

At 12:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is your schedule like next week? (I'm assuming you're going away this weekend). I figure the only way I'll get to see you is if we schedule something!


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