Friday, September 22, 2006


Found this link at Terrorism News, and had to share it.,0,4188916.story?coll=la-home-headlines

I don't know what to say.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Frankie say "WAR"!!

In order to support Canadian troops around the world, everyone's been asked to wear red tomorrow. Sounds good to me, so I spread the word around work. I was looking for stuff online about it and wound up on a forum - well Holy Idiots, Batman!! People saying that now they'll have to be careful not to wear their red clothes on Fridays or it will appear they're supporting an "illegal conflict", blah, blah, blah. Excuse me. It doesn't really matter whether you support the war or not - you can still support the troops. You might not like it, but our soldiers are dying and need to know we don't think its for nothing. Get your heads out of your asses please people.

I'll be wearing a red "Canada" t-shirt AND my camo pants!!!

I'm a little freaked out about a document I was directed to by Human which is a transcript of a speech given in 1987 by John Stockwell, a former CIA spook. In it, he talks about covert operations that had taken place since about 1960. Now, everyone knows or has heard about nasty stuff perpetrated by the US Gov't over the years but this really takes the cake. If you're up to it, read it, read it ALL. You'll understand why I'm oh-so-curious about which cookie jars they've had their hands in since then. Not to mention how many of the current conflicts going on in the world were caused by them. On purpose. Because frankly, I think Bush is about on par with Reagan for bloodlust. (I mean, didn't Pete just post on CIA agents looking for insurance against criminal suits? Isn't that kind of a clue that some shitty stuff is still happening?)

It blows my mind to think of these people teaching how to torture, supplying arms, and smuggling drugs. All for their own aims. What kind of person could do that and live with themselves?

Alright. Enough. For now at least. The dog is driving me right round the bend begging for treats anyway, and if I don't do something about it soon, I'm going to commit doggie-cide. (Is it just me, or do you think of really great stuff to blog when you're away from your computer and then go "d'uh" when you're sitting in front of it ready to write? Better start carrying a note pad.)

Not to mention I'm dying to peruse the Wikipedia entry for the CIA... ; )

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Dive Right In

So I'm back from holidays and back to work. I have to say that having a job I'm interested in made the end of my vacation a little more bearable.

I have a lot of catching up to do "blog-wise", and so much has happened since I've been away.

So I'll just say "hello all" for now and post with substance soon. Maybe tonight.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Bon Voyage....

Well, I'm heading off for two weeks holidays starting this weekend. I doubt I'll have another chance to blog before I go.

I'm having really awful allergies (first time in my life), so I'm really hoping (cross your fingers for me everyone) that the stuff the Dr. gave me kicks in real well, real soon. We have a super-duper special furnace filter at home, which I'm sure is helping, and which we don't have at the trailer. Obviously. So there's definitely a chance I'll get up there and feel like I've been hit by a truck. A truck full of ragweed and pollen and mold.

At any rate, blogging-buddies-of-mine, have a great couple of weeks. I imagine my tattoo will be healed up enough when I get back that I can post a photo of the finished work. And I'll have pics of some art I'm doing for others as well.

Hugs everyone!!!